Honey Farm (Xinyi, Taipei) | 蜜堂(台北信義)

我第一次去信義區的新光三越A4美食街,我原本的目的是吃「黃檸檬」的奢華手工霜淇淋,居然發現旁邊就有一家賣手工霜淇淋的蜂蜜轉賣店「蜜堂」 — 讓這場冰淇淋之旅一舉兩得!後來開始忙得沒時間寫評論,但我過了這麼久還還在想念「蜜堂」綿密可口的霜淇淋,大概就能證明它有多好吃吧!

When I went to XinYi’s Shinkong Mitsukoshi A4 food court a while back,  it was to get a taste of some fancy soft-serve from Yellow Lemon. I ended up killing two birds with one stone when I stumbled across another shop on the same floor selling handmade soft-serve ice cream: Honey Farm. I went to try their ice cream shortly after, but didn’t get around to writing the review until now. The fact that I’m still thinking about this place months later says something about how good it was!  Continue reading

鹹花生咖啡館(台北大同) | Salt Peanuts Cafe (Datong, Taipei)


Dihua Street is one of my favourite parts of Taipei to spend a leisurely afternoon of snacking and window shopping. The streets are lined with old-style buildings and traditional dry-goods stores, and the upper part of the neighbourhood is dotted with charming cafes like Salt Peanuts. I came here just to enjoy a nice meal and a coffee in their gorgeous courtyard, but was suprised to find that I could also try their handmade ice cream, too! In addition to brunch, pastries, and coffee, Salt Peanuts also sells their own ice cream featuring local tea. Continue reading

蜜朵麗專業冰淇淋(信義店)| Midori Professional Ice Cream (Xinyi, Taipei)


This is actually not the first time I’ve written about Midori Handmade Ice Cream – I reviewed their Yuanshan shop about a year ago. But I figured Taipei could use a little reminder of this lovely little business, which was founded on a mission to promote local, organic farming. Midori’s Xinyi shop also has the special distinction of being located inside of a local historical monument: 44 South Village. Continue reading

Beimen Pineapple Ice (Da’an, Taipei) | 北門鳳梨冰 (台北大安)


It’s been a while since I wrote about a place in central Taipei – lately it seems I have to go further and further afield to find new ice cream shops to write about. However, thanks to a tip-off from a reader, I’ve found a hidden gem in the  middle of DunNan shopping district that I’m really excited about: Beimen Pineapple Ice! Continue reading

On The Road Gelato (Shilin, Taipei) | On The Road 義式手工冰淇淋(台北市林)


位於台北市邊緣,離捷運站超過一公里的⌈On The Road義大利冰淇淋⌋,對怕不方便的台北天龍人來說,和登陸月球差不多遠。我自己不得不承認,我第一次聽到朋友推薦這家店以後,還是因為距離的關係所以一直延後走訪On The Road的計畫,而總是會選擇靠近捷運站的店。也太懶惰了吧!幸好芝山捷運站具備著幾十台YouBike,而且前往On The Road的路基本上是一條直線而已,它的路線這麼簡單,再拖延可說不過去了!

Located on the edge of Taipei City over a kilometre from the nearest MRT station, On The Road Gelato may as well be on another planet to the convenience-obsessed citizens of Taipei. I admit I put off my plans to come here for months after I first heard of it, opting instead to visit places that were just steps from the metro. Luckily, Zhishan MRT Station is equipped with a fleet of Youbikes and the route from the station to the shop is basically a straight line up Zhongcheng Road, leaving me with few excuses!  Continue reading

Fruit Republic (Xinzhuang, New Taipei City) | 水果共和國 (新北市新莊區)

2016-01-01 15.56.19

既然我已經走訪了台北市多半獨立營業手工冰淇淋店,我不得不把我的冰淇淋雷達延伸到較遠的地方,發現更多尚未寫過的店! 幸好,新北市的冰淇淋店好像不少,而且日益增加。位於新莊區去年七月開幕的水果共和國,就是新北市最新開的店之一。

Now that I’ve visited most of the independent ice cream shops in Taipei City, I have to start expanding more into New Taipei City to find new shops to write about! Luckily, there seem to be a lot of them, with more popping up every day. Open since July 2015, Xinzhuang district’s Fruit Republic is one of the newest additions. Continue reading

船來芋冰雪淇淋(台北大同)| Boat Come Taro Ice (Datong, Taipei)

2015-12-23 16.18.28


I found the oddly-named Boat Come Taro Ice on a random Google Maps scan of the neighbourhood when I was shopping on Dihua Street the other day. I’d never heard of the place before – the main branch is in Yilan, apparently. The Taipei branch keeps a low profile and doesn’t seem to have developed the cult following it deserves. This is one of those legit “too good to be true” places where you wonder why people aren’t lined up down the block. They have a pretty solid company message: Continue reading

Indigenous Ice Cream @ Taya Po Po Atayal Restaurant, Wulai |烏來老店泰雅婆婆的原住民冰淇淋 (烏來)


Wulai Township is one of my favourite places in Taiwan. This tiny village of 6,000 is a very special place where you can get away from the city, breathe clean air, enjoy a lush mountain landscape, hike in the woods… Continue reading

My favourite shops in 2015



My overall top six shops in 2015

These are the shops that have it all – great ice cream, a pleasant atmosphere, and a business philosophy I’m proud to support. These are the places I’d go back to again and again. Continue reading


(English version)



以下是我去年去過的,給客人最圓滿冰淇淋體驗的手工冰淇淋店,不僅有美味手工冰淇淋,還有適合休息的舒適環境值得支持的生意哲學,都是我可以當常客的好店。 Continue reading